Terror threat: Mohammed Hamid and Atilla Ahmed
A man accused of running terror camps has been convicted today at Woolwich Crown Court. Mohammed Hamid organised paintball games at White Waltham, Berkshire and in the New Forest in Hampshire. He dubbed himself Osama Bin London and, along with Atilla Ahmed, he organised outings in order to conduct training sessions. Police surveillance and bugging of the radical Muslim showed he had strong links to the 21/7 plotters whose attempts to bomb London failed.
During the trial MI5 surveillance tapes were played to the court. One clearly showed his murderous character. After being informed by Atilla that 52 had died in the attacks on London’s transport system in July 2005, Hamid was heard to say that “That’s not even breakfast for me”. A video shown to the court showed groups conducting what the prosecution described as beheading practice with a watermelon. Found guilty of three counts of soliciting to murder and three counts of providing terrorism training. The jury at Woolwich Crown Court found him not guilty of providing weapons training at camps. His main accomplice, Atilla Ahmet, 43,was found guilty of soliciting to murder. Both will be sentenced at a later date.
Six others were previously convicted of terror related charges. They are Kibley Da Costa, 24 [guilty of attending terrorism training, providing training, holding terrorist articles. Jailed for four years and 11 months], Kader Ahmed, 20 [guilty of attending two training camps. Cleared on third charge. Jailed for Three years and eight months], Mohammed Al-Figari, 44 [guilty of attending camps and holding terrorist articles. Four years and two months], Hassan Mutegombwa, 20 [guilty of seeking cash for terrorism overseas. Jailed last year for 10 years], Mohammed Kyriacou, 19 [admitted attending training camps. Three years and five months], Yassin Mutegombwa, 23 [admitted attending training camps. Three years and five months]
[BBC / Sky News]
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