Hillary may be ‘squawking’ but there are some that think she is an ‘ex-parrot’ or rather an ’ex-candidate’. Besides her landslide victory in the most recent primary of West Virginia, few pundits see her as winning the candidacy.
Channel Four News in the UK discussed the recent comments during Hillary Clinton’s campaign which raised the issue of race. During one rally in Kingstree, Bill Clinton called on a black man standing off to the side of the small stage. The man identified himself as a pastor and told Clinton that "black America is voting for Obama because he's black." The man also said Democrats are in a "dangerous position" because if Obama wins the nomination, voters will put a Republican in the White House. "They're not ready to vote for a black president," the man said. The suggestion that many of her voters would not vote for a black candidate has rattled many, and even if not directly said by Hillary herself the race card is beginning to tar her campaign. The issue has certainly ruffled more than a few feathers. So too has the comparison of Hillary with the infamous parrot in the Monty Python sketch. The skit which ran in the Washington Post has outraged some. But at least, the Washington Post suggests today, no-one compared her to the black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
It will be a “Miracle or disaster for Hillary to win now” suggested the news broadcaster tonight. And as two more super delegates joined the Obama camp today the Holy Grail sought after by Hillary seems further away than ever. Despite the mathematics, the lack of delegates and a slating in the popular media, Clinton is determined to continue. It is difficult to see when or if she will ever quit in the race for the candidacy that inches further and further away.
This side of the pond there are many that see her as a ‘doomed enterprise’ that is bringing down the Democrat party with her. And as long as Clinton clings to her perch the party cannot get on with the election campaign proper.
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