Police have confirmed that 7 letter bomb attacks have occurred over a period of 3 weeks. At least 7 people have been injured as a result of the various explosions, four in today’s attack alone. All the injuries are said to be minor. Additional to the London, Wokingham and Swansea attacks, police have confirmed that a device was sent to a private address of a 53 year old man in Folkestone, Kent. He is believed to be a security firm manager according to Sky sources. Three other locations have not yet been identified by police, but they have said they are now investigating any possible links to the series of incidents. Sky News report that the devices were sent to companies in the Oxfordshire and the West Midlands area. All three were said to be ‘firework-type explosive devices’ which arrived in A5 padded envelopes bags. Sky News has reported that the devices sent to addresses in Oxfordshire and the West Midlands were probably connected to animal rights extremists. According to their sources the names of vivisectionists were on the envelopes concerned. Meanwhile in parliament the Prime Minister Tony Blair offered his condolences to the victims but said he could not say much more at this time. Police have warned the public and particularly those involved in mail sorting operations to be vigilant [BBC]. Sky News have also examined whether Britain is under attack from a Unabomber style terrorist. The Unabomber was a one man campaign against technological society. In Industrial Society and Its Future (commonly called the "Unabomber Manifesto") he argued that his actions were a necessary (although extreme) ruse by which to attract attention to what he believed were the dangers of modern technology. In his twenty year bombing campaign he killed three and injured 23 throught the US.
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