There is widespread scepticism over a new report suggesting that using a mobile telephone may be as dangerous as smoking. The warning came from Dr Vini Khurana, a top neurosurgeon who based his findings on previous research and health reports into mobile phones. Dr Khurana claims that the risk of developing a brain tumour doubles amongst mobile phone uses. But he said the tumours may take as long as ten years to develop. "It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking, and directly concerns all of us, particularly the younger generation, including very young children," said Dr Khurana. "There is a significant and increasing body of evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumours."
However, the findings have been disputed by the Mobile Operators Association (MOA). A spokesperson said, "This is a selective discussion of scientific literature by one individual and presents no new research findings". The spokesperson said that the conclusions of Dr Khurana’s report contradicts entirely the findings by “the World Health Organization and more than 30 other independent expert scientific reviews that find no evidence of adverse health effects from low-level radio signals" [Fox News].
CNN reported the story today, but coming on April fool’s day, it may be dismissed by some as a joke. But there are many protest groups who will use the new report in their campaigns to stop the building of telephone masts. Smokers are already standing in the cold to enjoy their cigarettes. If Dr Khurana’s report becomes more widely accepted, cell-phone users may soon be joining them! [PDF report].
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