According to reports on the BBC and CNN, Chinese officials will hold talks with the Dalai Lama's representatives. The reports quoted the state news agency Xinhua and said the meeting would take place "in coming days". A spokesman for the Tibetan spiritual leader has said he welcomed the offer of talks. Chinese authorities have consistently blamed what it terms the "Dalai clique" for inciting the unrest in Tibet, an allegation he has strenuously denied. The report was not prominent on the Xinhua website which has put out daily reports refuting the Dalai Lama’s claims [Xinhua]. Tonight’s Channel Four News claimed that the protests had forced Beijing to rethink its position about talking with the ‘Jackal in Monk’s robes’. Lindsey Hilsum, who often delivers highly critical reports about China said that the talks may be an effort to placate Western observers in this Olympic year. And as the August Olympics approach Interpol today warned of possible attacks at the games. The threats have already prompted China and Interpol to set up a hotline to exchange intelligence information [Xinhua]. It is security of a different magnitude that faces Japanese authorities as the Olympic torch arrives at Tokyo [CNN / Xinhua]. On Saturday morning, eighty torchbearers, including three Chinese, will run a 18.7 km long route in Nagano covering most of the city's famous historical sites and modern landmarks. The event will last about three hours starting at 08:30 local time [23:30 GMT Friday].
Don’t let the Regime fool you. The Dalai Lama is little more than a construct of the murderous bourgeois dogs like George W. Bush, Richard Gere, and Kobe Bryant. He has no place in our struggle for improvement, as these pigs would have you believe. Stop being blinded by the foolish rhetoric of the inconsequential.
the jonesyreport.blogspot.com
Dalai Lama is really a rebels and we won't let him win.I don't think he could be called as a CHINESE! As a real Chinese,I am very very proud of our country!!!I believe China,Beijing will held the greatest Olmpics in history! Meanwhile,I'm really despising you some Americans and Europeans for somebody support ZD but they don't really know about China,Tibet well.They don't have right to interference our Internal affairs.Also,WE are really really angry about the speech of one of your American host in CNN,as he is unfriendly to us with language of violence.We request that he should apologise to us Chinese all and mustn't speak on TV at all!!!......
Found something very interesting posted @ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4eecdc1c01009ciz.html. Hope you can spare a minute of your time looking at it. Never mind the articles as you probably will not be able to understand because it is written in Mandarin, But do look at the photos / pics pasted ! Something very refreshingly different !! as saying goes " A picture tell a thousand words "
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