Michael Barrymore may face more questions
A new investigation has been launched into the death of Stuart Lubbock who was found dead in Michael Barrymore’s pool in 2001. The entertainer who used to live in Essex may also face further questions from police. No-one has yet faced charges following the mysterious death. Welcoming news of a new inquiry, Mr Lubbock's brother Kevin said: "I am pleased. It's what my father wanted all along." The family's lawyer, Tony Bennett, added that his clients were "delighted by the police's decision". A post-mortem examination at the time revealed that Mr Lubbock had suffered severe internal injuries, suggesting he may have been the victim of a serious sexual assault before his death. Alcohol, ecstasy and cocaine were found in the man's bloodstream. Barrymore accepted an official caution for drugs offences following a lengthy investigation by Essex Police but was never charged with any culpability for the death [
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