The ITV News Channel has come to an end, earlier than previously announced. The channel started life on Sky’s digital platform in the UK in 2000 but came to an undignified end shortly after 18:00 GMT on 23rd December 2005. ITV's Chief Executive Charles Allen has cited budget cuts and falling viewing figures for the closure. But viewers will have less choice for rolling LIVE news now that one of the dominant suppliers of news has disappeared from the airwaves. Sky News, part of the Rupert Murdoch empire remains, as does the government funded BBC News 24 channel. ITN, the supplier to the ITV News Channel remains a supplier to Channel 4 News, in the UK, and CNN. CNN, the only US news outlet available free to air, also remains. But as part of the Time Warner empire, there are now fewer independent news stations on the air. Fox News, although available in the UK, is not free to air. The demise of the ITV News Channel also comes as international news broadcasters increase their presence in the west. CCTV-9, an English language Chinese News channel broadcasting from Beijing in China, and PCNE, broadcast from Hong Kong, are both becoming a dominant presence. And in 2006 al-Jazeera are set to launch their English language news channel on the Sky platform. Further shake ups in the media are expected after the death of Australian media mogul Kerry Packer. CNN reported his death on the 27th December and the sale of parts of his media empire are expected in the coming months including Channel 9 one of his major acquisitions.
[21:00 GMT 28/12/2005]

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