Friday, April 11, 2008

Olympic flame completes Argentine relay

Tennis star Gabriela Sabatini runs the final leg of the relay

The Olympic torch has completed its journey through the streets of Buenos Aires without incident. Arriving at its destination at a park the last torchbearer, Gabriela Sabatini, lit the ceremonial dish at 17:12 local time [20:12 GMT].
The BBC returned to events briefly and described it as being “a day when the torch got back on track”. There were few pro-Tibet protesters along the route but there was one minor incident when some protesters threw some water bombs. The projectiles were expertly deflected by the many ‘flame attendants’ that were once again in evidence as the torch was carried through the city. After the final lighting there then followed speeches including an address by a Chinese official and the handing over of gifts to Argentine dignitaries. The event however was only viewable by the internet for large parts of the procession with only short clips being broadcast in the UK by Sky and BBC.

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