Friday, June 02, 2006

UK - Terror raid on London 'bomb factory'

Up to 250 police have been involved in a raid on an east London property arresting two individuals in what is believed to be connected to a terrorist bomb factory. The raid occurred at around 4.00 BST [03.00 GMT] and one of the suspects is believed to have been shot. Witnesses have described a man being carried away in a blood stained t-shirt. Officers dressed in CBRN [Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear] suits were deployed to the scene on Lansdown Road, Forest Gate. Sky News were providing LIVE coverage from several angles by early morning but their Skycopter was prevented from covering from the air due to an air exclusion zone. There is significant disruption to the local traffic as roads are filled with media and police. Outside the house a large forensic tent has been erected and an ambulance remains close by. There appears to be no major evacuation around the scene. There are few official details being released but Sky News are reporting that a 23 year old was amongst those arrested. The shot man is said to be under guard in a London hospital but his injuries are not thought to be life threatening. The suspects were believed to be of Pakistani origin and a local resident told the BBC, “I know them, they were very friendly”. Another told the BBC the suspects were brothers in their late teens or early twenties and of Bengali origin. [BBC / Sky NewsPosted by Picasa

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