Monday, June 05, 2006

7/7 Report - London not ready for another attack

It could happen again - but is London prepared?

A London Assembly report has been released which has raised serious concerns over London’s preparedness for another terror attack as, or more serious as the attacks in July 2005. One main criticism was the lack of radio communications, a problem that still persists. The report recommended digital radio infrastructure be set up as soon as possible. There was no cohesive emergency plan, and as such each emergency were operating under different criteria. Data protection thwarted information flow of patients’ details, and further impeded the processing of casualties. Meeting points were not adequately set up and medical supplies were not available on the underground train network. The response times increased as the morning’s events unfolded. The multiple hits on the transport network overstretched the emergency services and before long problems were compounded by the lack of planning for such an eventuality. Conflicting messages were issued by authorities; schools were told to send pupils home whilst members of the public were told to remain at home and stay off the streets. Information and advice for the public was also lacking. The first press briefing was at 11:15 which was late in providing information, and wrong with certain facts given. Further reports - Sky News / BBC
MPs' findings
Official account of events
London Assembly 7 July report (2.17MB) Posted by Picasa

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