Wednesday, July 27, 2005

UK - multiple arrests in 'War on Terror'

As the anti-terrorist police operation continues, several arrests have been made. One of those arrested is said to be one of the would-be bombers according to Sky News. The arrests came in the early hours of Wednesday morning as police raided houses in the Birmingham area. The ‘suspected bomber’ was arrested in the Heybarnes Road in the Small Heath area of Birmingham. He was apparently wearing a rucksack at the time of the raid which occurred at 04:30 BST [UTC+1]. Police used a Taser electronic stun gun to subdue the suspect and he was transferred to Paddington Green police station in London, according to police sources. Three other men were arrested at another address, Sky reported earlier. According to nearby residents they were Somali and had only recently moved to the address in the Ward End area. Explosives experts were called to the scene to investigate possible explosives at the address. In an apparently unrelated incident, two men were arrested on a train at Grantham station at 23:00 BST late Tuesday. Their arrests on the Kings Cross bound train came after receipt of information from two off duty Met Police officers. An arrest has also been made at Luton airport following a security alert, Sky News reported ahead of the Tony Blair's meeting with Spanish premier Jose Zapatero.
[12:44 GMT 27/07/2005]

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