Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rumsfeld in Iraq, Zapatero in UK

Puzzled looks and confusion were clearly seen on the faces of those in attendance at the latest Downing Street press conference. The translation audio problems continued throughout the press conference held during Jose Zapatero’s visit to London. It was covered initially by most news broadcasters. Sky, BBC 24, ITN, CNN, Euronews and Al Jazeera all covered the speeches Live. As the question over Iraq came up from Sky’s Adam Bolton most coverage cut away. Sky, BBC 24 and ITN ceased coverage along with Euronews and Al Jazeera. This left only CNN covering this conference.

Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari had said at a joint news conference with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that the time has arrived to plan a coordinated transition from American to Iraqi military control throughout the country. Tony Blair responded to this by saying, “As the Iraqi force build so our forces may be diminished.” He said he’d not heard the actual comments and had only been made aware of the visit by Mr Rumsfeld just prior to the press conference.
On the ‘War on Terror’, Tony Blair said “an alliance of civilizations” existed between the two countries. He also said a European arrest warrant was essential. Jose Zapatero supported his stance saying, “The struggle with terrorism is not a conventional war.”
[13:36 GMT 27/07/2005]

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