As Iraq continues to spiral out of control, the world media reports on a number of other issues. Mahmoud Abbas is in Japan, CCTV9 reports. Israel’s P.M, Ariel Sharon, has apparently refused an invite to attend talks. It is the 25th anniversary of the current Palestinian/Israeli troubles. At least 500 are dead following clashes in Uzbekistan. A ferry has sunk in Galachipa, in Bangladesh. Twenty five were reported dead and there were 25 survivors. A Turkish airline has been banned in a number of countries throughout Europe over safety grounds. And Joe Satriani has performed to a large audience in Bombay [Mumbai], India. CCTV 9 play out with beautiful Islamic art from Uzbekistanian culture.
The BBC also report on the Turkish Budget airline which has been banned from Germany, Holland & France
On CNN the major stories this weekend – The main news issues are a Pro-Democracy demonstration in Nepal and anti-Japanese protests in the far east and the continuing tension between Muslims and America over allegations surrounding the ‘desecration of the Koran’, as reported in Newsweek magazine.
The article and its repercussions have left at least 15 dead. The magazine has said it got some of the ‘details wrong’. A Newsweek spokesperson said to the BBC, “We are sorry for the way it turned out” and we’re “sorry for the incidents…”
Regards Uzbekistan, the BBC reports 'many hundreds possibly' killed after soldiers fired upon demonstrators. Jack Straw, British Home Secretary, said, ”We have to have transparency” on what is going on.
CBS are dealing mainly with domestic politics. And ‘sport’ also predominates; with the recent take over bid of Manchester United F.C. The team that made Beckham famous.
Condolezza Rice, on a secret visit to Iraq said, “Our promise is to bring stability” and “we want it to bring it as soon as possible…“.
But the troubles continue…[01:00 GMT 16/05/05]
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