Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Galloway launches attack on America as Queen’s speech is buried.

45 bills have been proposed by Blair’s new Labour government as the Queen's speech today outlined. This headline was, however, buried beneath the vociferous attack on the American Senate by George Galloway M.P.

He arrived yesterday in the USA to answer to allegations that he had been involved in the so called ‘oil for food scandal’. For over 15 minutes the anti-war politician berated the US Government, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the Senate. “Everything I said about Iraq, I was right and you were wrong, and a hundred thousand people have paid with their lives”, he said. Broadcast throughout the world via satellite, he said, "I am not now or ever been an oil trader and neither has anyone on my behalf. I have never seen a barrel of oil, owned one, bought one, sold one, and neither has anybody on my behalf."
The senate hearing was covered by CNN, Al Jazeera, ITN, BBC24, and Sky News. Euronews, Abu Dhabi and CCTV 9 did not cover the hearing live, though some bulletins did carry parts of the speech. In Iraq today a US marine was killed by an 'Improvised Explosive Device' and another was injured. And a Sunni cleric was shot today by unknown gunmen in western Baghdad. The drive against the current insurgency also continued in Mosul as US and Iraqi forces were reported to have been involved in 'heavy clashes' in the western part of the city AP reports. [0:48 BST 18/05/05]

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