Friday, April 29, 2005

Jackson's wives

The prosecution in the Jackson case seems to be coming to a close. Debbie Rowe, Jackson’s former wife, has taken the stand throughout the week and many seem to think it undermines the prosecution case. Indeed her testimony did seem to substantiate defence claims that ‘the Germans’ were behind much of the so called conspiracy. However, her statements also outline a Michael who only talked to her the one time in a two and a half minute telephone call asking for help. In that call she was asked to take part in the ‘rebuttal film’. Her participation in the film appeared to be hinged upon her desire to see her children. Two of Michael Jackson’s children have not seen their mother for over 6 years. Besides promises from Jackson, she has still not gained access. Asked why by the prosecution she claimed it was due to several of Michael Jackson’s aides preventing it. However many of these same people had not been in Jackson’s employ for several months, and still she had no access. In essence, Jackson only contacted Debbie Rowe when he required her help. Following her participation in the film, Jackson once again discarded her. She dismissed the idea that it was Jackson who had prevented access, “I don’t want to believe that”, she said. Her blind love for the pop star was evident as she said, “I still have fond feelings for the Michael I know…if only he’d talk to me”.

The latest from California is that the prosecution wish to admit several new items as evidence. One of these is a book. Believed to be “The Boy: A Photographic Essay”, it consists of many naked and semi-naked adolescent boys at play, swimming and exercising. The book has previously been mentioned in Court TV exclusives in which Diane Dimond details how detectives found this and other items during a search at the Neverland ranch in 1993. It would certainly be devastating for the defence. The existence of such a book in Michael Jackson’s home would be difficult for him to explain away. Tonight Larry King Live should be interesting. The guest is Jackson’s other former wife, Lisa Marie Presley. In a National Enquirer exclusive, published in December 2003, her uncle claimed she had found sexually explicit material that ‘convinced her Jackson was sexually fixated on boys’. Preacher Rick Stanley, Elvis’ step-brother, said the description she imparted, ‘sent a shiver down my spine.’ What revelations might she reveal tonight? No doubt due to the ongoing case she’ll be very guarded.

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