Friday, April 29, 2005

Iraq - 27 dead 100 injured...

11 bombs exploded today in Baghdad. At least 27 were killed. 3 amongst the dead were US soldiers. More than 100 were injured. US military downplayed the severity of the attacks and said that attacks were down overall and were not very sophisticated. This despite their being over 100 dead since last Friday alone. 44 US military personel have been killed in April so far. The average death rate is 1.52 per day. Last month the average was 1.29. The general trend cannot be truly measured since particular actions, such as the assault on Fallujah, can send the average daily casualty rate up twice fold. Talking to CNN Gen Webster said, “Attacks have been down the entire year…attacks are severely diminished, we’ve captured 200 insurgents and twice that in explosives”. Claiming that it was only a matter of time before the insurgency discontinues, “The insurgents are seeing they’re losing all around” he said. As Gen Webster made his analysis, a new audio recording was released onto the internet today purporting to be from Al-Zarqawi. Said to be the head of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Zarqawi said, “Bush the Dog…we are coming”.

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