Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Nightmare Before Christmas as UK heads to a nexus of uncertainty

As Halloween passed and Brexit failed to materialise once again many Remainers were perhaps positive in thinking that Boris Johnson's promise to 'get Brexit done' had indeed died in a ditch.

But just as in the movie of the same name the evil protagonist was not dead, and rose once again to slay more victims.

Britain was dragged into an election campaign which culminated in what Remainers would certainly have seen as a Nightmare on Downing Street as Boris Johnson was elected to lead the country towards Brexit and 'Get it done'.

The apocryphal date of Friday the 13th seemed all the more ironic. Just as Michael Myers returns repeatedly just as one thought he'd been dispatched in Halloween, so the evil protagonist, Jason, in the film franchise Friday the 13th, repeatedly returns to slay his victims.

The victims in this case were dozens of hardline Remain candidates, defectors from the Tory party, and a significant number of Labour MPs.

For Labour, the Lib Dems and the whole pro-European movement this really was The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Of course in the movie, the evil protagonist Jack Skellington, accompanied by his faithful dog Zero, eventually sees the error of his ways and puts things right.

But happy endings are truly rare in real life, and it's more likely than not, this tale will continue in the same vane of many horror movies where the monster continually returns.

On the day Boris has set in his sights for Britain to leave the EU another horror movie is released, namely Gretel and Hansel.

The story is described as being set a long time ago in a distant fairy tale countryside and focuses on a young girl who leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil.

As Britain stumbles into the dark labyrinth of trade deals and attempts to establish itself as an independent nation outside the EU, the metaphors are both ironic and stark.

tvnewswatch, London, UK  

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