Friday, September 11, 2015

Terror threat remains as 9/11 is remembered 14 years on

On this day 14 years ago America woke up to the scene of the World Trade Center burning after planes piloted by terrorists deliberately targeted the iconic towers.

The tragedy that befell Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93 became embedded in America's psyche and the horror of that day was etched into the memory of almost everyone. It was a day that left nearly 3,000 dead and one that changed the world forever.

Tightened airline security, growing cyber-espionage, increased NSA & GCHQ surveillance, foreign invasions and a resulting refugee crises are just some of things triggered by that fateful day.

Many have questioned the events on that day. Conduct a search for 9/11 conspiracies and one will find many different theories ranging from the accusation of US government involvement to questions over inside trading over the betting on certain stocks.

Today was marked by a new doubts being expressed by the former Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai who called the terror group al-Qaeda a myth and questioned the veracity of previous assertions that the 9/11 plots were hatch in the country [Guardian].

Whether or not there were links, 9/11 was game changer and many articles published today focus on the last 14 years and how the world has been affected [CNN].

The threat from terrorism has always been with us. But the events of 11th September 2001 raised the threat level significantly.

And of course, 9/11 and other significant dates attract particular attention.

As the anniversary approached authorities said a man had been arrested in connection with a planned bomb plot.

According to the FBI the Florida man had planned to launch an attack during the 9/11 memorial [CNN / Guardian]. It is not known what the suspect's motivations were.  However, it is clear that the threat from Islamic terrorism is much higher since 9/11.

Headlines such as "ISIL haunts 9/11 anniversary" were stamped across several news websites [USA Today]. And the threat appeared to come from possible cyber-attacks with Islamic State terrorists promising to launch such attacks to mark the anniversary.

On the fourteenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror plot, which claimed the lives of 2,977 victims, Twitter accounts claiming to be affiliated with ISIL started the #AmericaUnderHacks hashtag, according to reports from the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium [Techworm / Inquisitr / Heavy]

The threat was started by ISIL-affiliated accounts using the usernames "Islamic Cyber Army" and "Caliphate Hackers." Past alleged ISIL hacks have been carried out by the "Islamic State Hacking Division." It is unknown if there is any connection between the three. With the announcement of their newest impending alleged attack on 9/11, the Islamic Cyber Army and the Caliphate Hackers released memes and other propaganda to help advertise it.

Meanwhile there was an ironic message emanating from al-Qaeda's number one, Ayman al Zawahiri. "Al Qaeda 'declares war' on ISIS as 9/11 terror group boss blasts 'seditious' caliphate" the Daily Mirror reported.

Zawahiri accused ISIL chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of 'sedition' and said he was not the leader of all Muslims as he claimed.

One might hope that, just like the two headed snake, the two terror groups might destroy each other as they fight over their ideological ideas. But just as with the Hydra, another head may well grow in its place and the threat from fundamentalist Islamic terrorists will continue. Indeed the terror threat seemed all too clear as new figures showed that UK terror arrests for the year ending in March 2015 were at a record high [BBC].

tvnewswatch, London, UK

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