Friday, June 24, 2011

Heavy rain brings flash floods to Beijing

Heavy rain hit Beijing, China, late Thursday afternoon causing localised flooding and widespread traffic congestion well into the rush hour. Many subways were closed and roads were impassable in places with reports of some vehicles being completely submerged.

Commuters struggled through water which was knew deep in many places and police had to help stranded motorists push their cars out of flooded streets. Some 300 flights were also delayed at Beijing's International airport local media reported.

While parts of the south China have experienced severe flooding in recent weeks it is relatively unusual for the capital to see such heavy downpours and flooding.

Torrential rain across southern and eastern Chinese provinces has killed more than 100 people, triggered the evacuation of half a million and left large areas of farmland devastated [Further reports: Xinhua / China Daily / China DailyChina.orgReuters / MSNBC / CRI / BeijingDaze].

tvnewswatch, Beijing, China

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