Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At least 7 dead after 5.3 quake hits Spain

A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck southern Spain killing at least seven people according to early reports. The earthquake occurred around 20km south-west of Alicante, at 18:50 local time (16:50 GMT) hitting a depth of 1 km.

Several buildings have collapsed in the town of Lorca, nearest to the epicentre where at least four people were killed according to officials. Local television reports showed rescue workers rushing through debris-littered streets, the BBC said. 

Lorca's Mayor, Francisco Jodar, has told local radio the four deaths were caused by falling debris and cave-ins. Meanwhile pictures on RTVE have shown rubble in the streets including a bell fallen from a church. Some pictures show cars crushed by falling masonry. The tremor follows a 4.4 magnitude earthquake which struck an hour earlier.

Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero says emergency military units have been sent to the scene.

tvnewswatch, Beijing, China

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