Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twitter crashes on Christmas Day

Following the recent outage that affected the VOIP telephony service Skype only a few days back [BBC], Twitter, the micro-blogging service, has crashed. The outage began at around 18:00 GMT with APIs and the website itself being affected. Users to the Twitter website were confronted with the message "Twitter is over capacity" and requested to retry later. Twitter confirmed there were problems with the service and said they were looking into it. "We're currently experiencing some site availability issues; we're looking into it now and will update when we have more information," a statement on the status page read.

Some users were able to post updates, though they remained in the minority. Google's latest updates page revealed that some users were not entirely happy."Ugh! Twitter should start working, it's getting on my nerves," one frustrated user exclaimed. Many blamed Christmas, or rather the multitude of Twitter users tweeting about the festive break. "Twitter is not a happy camper right now... Christmas overload!!" one tweet read, while another suggested "Christmas has broken Twitter" [erictric / Center Networks]. After around one hour Twitter began to operate normally for most users.

tvnewswatch, London, UK

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