Saturday, October 02, 2010

BA jet makes emergency landing

A British Airways Boeing 747-400 has made an emergency landing at Heathrow Airport shortly after taking off. BA flight 117, registration G-CIVX, had taken off from London Heathrow en-route to New York's JFK Airport with 296 people on board when the crew received a door open indication, according to reports. 

The jet had departed Heathrow's runway 27R but stopped its ascent at 1500 feet [457 m], joined a left hand downwind for runway 27L and returned to Heathrow for a safe landing on runway 27L just 9 minutes after departure.

There are eyewitness reports of the British Airways plane flying low over Wimbledon at 09:30 UK time [08:30 GMT] as it came into land. All passengers disembarked normally. A British Airways spokeswoman said a full investigation was under way [BBC].

tvnewswatch, London, UK

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