The face of CNN's international reporting, Amanpour premiered a daily show on CNN International and a Sunday foreign affairs show on CNN U.S. in September 2009. Speaking on CNN Friday she said, "This is our final broadcast, and I want to say what a privilege it has been to be at CNN for the past 27 years. To have had the opportunity to report the news to you all over the world, from all over the world. I have tried to be your eyes and ears in pursuit of the truth and the stories that beg to be told. That's been my mission in the field and here in the studio." [YouTube]
She also posted comments on her Twitter feed saying she was "thrilled to be joining the incredible team at ABC News." She described being asked to anchor 'This Week' which airs in August, as being "a tremendous and rare honor". Amanpour replaces George Stephanopoulos who became the new anchor of Good Morning America in December.
Despite leaving the 'most trusted name in news', Amanpour said she still had the "utmost respect, love and admiration for the company and everyone" who works there. "This has been my family and shared endeavor for the past 27 years and I am forever grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished," she said on the CNN blog.
Fifty two year old Amanpour who is married to James Rubin, former Assistant Secretary of State and spokesman for the US State Department, is the second major departure from the American news channel in the last few months. Last November Lou Dobbs, the last of the 29-year-old network's original anchors, quit to "pursue new opportunities."
CNN's President Jim Walton praised Amanpour's career and work at the network. "Over the years, Christiane and I have talked about her professional goals and personal interests, and more recently about the excitement of a new opportunity at this point in her career," Walton said in a statement. "While I don't presume to speak for her, as her colleague and friend for more than 25 years I know that this decision has not been an easy one. Since 1990 when Christiane became a CNN international correspondent, she has covered the defining news events of our time...Christiane has our gratitude, respect and sincere best wishes."
tvnewswatch, Beijing, China
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