More than 6000 km away one might think there would be a hint of English national pride amongst expats living away from home. St Patrick's Day was widely celebrated across Beijing. There were many bars selling Guinness cheap and Irish flags decorated many establishments. But St George was almost completely ignored. The Chamber of Commerce did organise an event on Saturday costing patrons in excess of £88 to partake in an evening of English tucker and gin & tonics. On the less expensive end was an event in Sanlitun's Luga's Villa. This was billed as a St George's Day party but apart from the two for one offer on English Bombadier beer, there was little here that could be regarded as English. There were no St George's flags to bee seen anywhere. The hundreds that gathered in this Mexican restaurant come bar [yes, that's right, Mexican] had come only for the free 'local beer' that was on offer between 8 and 10pm. Almost on the stroke of ten most people evaporated into the area around Sanlitun. There were a few Brits still hanging one, drinking their English beer and eating hotdogs at £1.50, but there was little celebration. There was no rejoicing in bellowing Jerusalem or Land of Hope and Glory. Only the sounds of Blur over the speakers gave any feel of Englishness.
So why the lack of enthusiasm for St George? Is it the fact he probably wasn't English and that there are no, nor have there ever been dragons? One Englishman in Luga's Villa said, "I guess we're stuck with it, but he doesn't really represent England." Well, maybe not, but is that a reason to forget one's Englishness or patriotism? Perhaps the English have never been as patriotic as other nations. Maybe that's how the reserved Englishman prefers it.
tvnewswatch, Beijing, China
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