Police eventually arrived, reportedly after more than 30 minutes, and a doctor also tried to talk to him. Police suggested that exposing his naked body to the world was 'ugly', but the naked protester responded indignantly. "Me ugly? You running dog of modern society! It is you who is the most ugly, modern society that is the most ugly."
Initial attempts to apprehend the man failed as he slipped under a car and refused to come out. But after an hour he was eventually hauled away while shouting, "Modern society will retreat! I will be back!" Some of the comments left on Internet forums suggested he had drunk too much baijiu, a strong Chinese liquor, or was having a psychotic episode. Maybe it was just the stress of living in an "ugly modern society" [Beijinger/ ChinaSmack / Mop.com].
tvnewswatch, Beijing, China
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