Friday, August 07, 2009

Twitter suffers from DDoS attack

In the last few hours Twitter has suffered from a Distributed Denial of Service [DDoS] attack bringing a halt to tweets across the globe. Here in China Twitter has been unavailable for some time, as have many other sites. However, there have been work arounds such as using third party apps like Tweetdeck and Google gadgets. But last night in China Twitter became inaccessible even through these services. The situation remains the same in Beijing as of 09:30 local time [01:30 GMT] and tvnewswatch is unable to access Twitter at all.

Twitter release a statement on their site saying "We are defending against a denial of service attack, and will update status again shortly". This morning the company said they were making some recovery but problems still existed.

Meanwhile, CNET has reported that the social network site Facebook has also suffered from similar problems. Internet access is increasingly difficult. Google accounts were particularly hard to access on Friday with "time-outs" and "Error" pages being returned. tvnewswatch will update the situation when it is possible to do so.

tvnewswatch, Beijing, China

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