Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Britain releases terror suspects

One of the raids which took place on 9th April

Twelve terror suspects arrested earlier this month have all been released without charge. The news barely made headlines due to saturation coverage given over to the Budget. That was perhaps enough bad news for one day. But the release of the terror suspects, who were described at the time as being part of a major threat to Britain, is unsettling. There are suggestions that although evidence exists, it is connected to surveillance which would not be admissible in British courts.

The news broke at mid morning on Wednesday, but despite the importance of the story both Sky News and the BBC switched to Budget coverage.

But there was still strong debate on the BBC World Service. Eleven of the suspects are Pakistani nationals and are now in UK Border Agency custody, facing possible deportation. Earlier today the Prime Minister said, "We are seeking to remove these individuals on grounds of national security.”

"The government's highest priority is to protect public safety. Where a foreign national poses a threat to the country, we will seek to exclude or deport them where appropriate," Gordon Brown added.

Lawyers are however fighting attempts to deport the men who they say are innocent of any crime. The Pakistan High Commission has also called for the men to be allowed to remain in the UK and continue their studies.

Only one man will be allowed to remain since he is a British citizen [Channel Four News / CNN].

Meanwhile Britain’s security threat remains ‘severe’.

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