Binyam Mohamed, former Guantanamo Bay inmate and terror suspect, has been detained by the Metropolitan Police under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, Sky News have reported. The news organisation were the first to report this and brought better overall coverage of Mohamed's return to the UK.
As the Gulfstream jet came into land the 20 year old news channel provided full coverage right up to the point where the Ethiopian born terror suspect stepped from the plane. But as the plane touched down at 13:10 GMT, the BBC failed switch to Live coverage immediately and only brought viewers pictures as the plane taxied towards the terminal building. The BBC then cut away to continue with its One O’clock News bulletin and failed to bring viewers the Live shot as Mohamed stepped from the aircraft.
Sky News continued to cover the events on the ground with analysis provided by International Correspondent Tim Marshall. At 13:28 Mohamed emerged from the plane. Looking thin, he walked unaided down the steps dressed in dark blue jeans and a pale long-sleeved top. He also wore a white hat which appeared to be a taqiyah, a cap often worn by Arab Muslims. The bearded man had his head bowed for the short walk, and held what appeared to be papers under his arm. The BBC returned to cover the story after all the Live picture opportunities had ended shortly after 13:30 GMT. This coverage continued for over twenty minutes, but it was not until 13:56 GMT that moving pictures of Mohamed exiting the plane were brought to viewers. The story did not feature on CNN, al Jazeera, France 24, Russia Today, Press TV or CCTV.
Update: After several hours being questioned Binyam Mohamed was released. After his lawyers and spokesman gave statements to the press he was driven off into the night. As his car was pursued by photographers, Mohamed, now wearing a pale blue baseball cap, hid his face and shied away from the publicity of his new found freedom.
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