Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Main candidates cast their votes

All the main candidates have cast their votes in the US election. Barack Obama spent some time casting his vote this morning before posing for pictures in Illinois. In Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin wearing jeans and a buff-coloured jacket arrived to put her vote in the ballot box. Speaking afterwards she said she was “full of confidence and optimism”. The vice-presidential candidate said she “thanked God for this opportunity” to stand in the US election. In Phoenix, Arizona a media circus gathered around the building where John McCain was casting his vote. Minders attempted to keep camera crews, journalists and photographers back as they struggled to catch a glimpse of the presidential candidate.
Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s running mate also voted for himself, twice! The Delaware senator was on the ballot twice Tuesday, as he runs for his seventh term in the U.S. Senate against Republican challenger Christine O’Donnell. Arriving in Delaware he wasn’t surrounded by the same media attention as other contenders, partly due to the fact he arrived at the polls at around the same time as Obama cast his vote. Biden only said “feel good, feel good” as he was quizzed by reporters. Democrat Hillary Clinton also spoke to media crews today, saying that there was still a “lot of work to do”. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans have yet to cast their votes as massive queues form outside polling stations across the country. Results are not expected to come in until around midnight UK time.

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