Thursday, October 16, 2008

Queen Elizabeth II visits Google

Google was given the royal seal of approval when Queen Elizabeth II visited the London headquarters on Thursday. She even had a fit of the giggles during the tour after the royal party was shown a clip of a baby with an infectious laugh from the company's YouTube site. Google marked the occasion with a special "Google doodle" of the Queen's profile and a crown which it placed on it‘s homepage. The Queen met with 16 schoolchildren who had won a completion as well as staff at the Google HQ. During the tour the Queen also uploaded a video onto the popular video website [BBC / CNN / Fox News / Royal Channel on YouTube]. It was a good day for Google which released figures showing a 26% increase in its third quarter profits. It prompted a 10% rise in its share price in after hours trading, one of few stocks that made any gains [The Australian]. Markets around the world continued to see further volatility for a second day running with significant drops seen on the FTSE and Nikkei once again. The Dow gained some on Thursday closing at 4.68%, but European and Asian stocks tanked once again most ending at around 5% down.

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