Friday, September 12, 2008

Travel chaos for thousands

Thousands of travellers, holiday makers and commuters have been left stranded following a series of events in the last few hours. Last night’s fire in the channel tunnel, which burned for 16 hours, has left thousands stranded in Britain and across Europe. The effects were widespread as explained by some of those left stranded at rail terminals. One Canadian, who was in London enjoying her honeymoon, was unable to make her connection to Frankfurt where she was due to take a flight back home. Long queues of lorries have built up on both sides of the channel and haulage firms are attempting to make alternative arrangements with ferry operators [BBC]. The travel situation was compounded further when travel firm XL went into receivership leaving 67,000 people stranded in several countries around the world [BBC]. Commuters in London were also left standing after yet another strike by bus operators [BBC].

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