Monday, September 29, 2008

Cadbury latest victim of milk scandal

Further concerns over Chinese products emerged today after Cadbury said it was removing dozens of chocolate products from sale. The items listed in the recall only affected those manufactured at its Beijing plant, however many of the chocolate bars have already been exported to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia [CNN / BBC]. It is not clear if tests recently conducted on the products revealed any traces of melamine, the industrial chemical responsible for the deaths of four babies and the sickening of 53,000 others. In New Zealand one news channel has claimed that White Rabbit candy had been responsible for at least one case of gall stones. 3 News talked to Oliver Li who used to eat a great deal of the Chinese confectionary and had later fallen sick.

Choi Sung-Rak, Koea’s Food Safety Bureau Chief said of 120 products that had been tested, melamine had only been found in two products. But his statement has done nothing to reassure thousands of consumers who have expressed increasing distrust in Chinese made products. Such items have been pulled from shelves across the region from India to Indonesia. “I think if this keeps up I will stop eating anything made in China” one concerned Seoul resident told CNN.

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