Saturday, August 30, 2008

More attacks in Xinjiang leave 2 cops dead

Two police have died in more violence in north west China
Xinhua News has reported.
The incident occurred on Wednesday as they investigated an attack which happened on August 12th . Besides the two officers killed, five others were also injured in a knife attack in a corn field in Kizilboyi Town, in Kashi's Jiashi County. And on Friday police in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region killed six people and arrested three others during their investigation into the killings of five police and security staff this month, this according to the state news agency. According to the report on the Xinhua website police encountered nine suspects in a corn field in Ying'erlike Township, Shule County, Kashi Prefecture.

During a "desperate struggle" one militia man and an armed soldier were injured a police spokesman was quoted as saying. At least 6 people were killed after police then opened fire. Three others were injured and taken into police custody. Police say the suspects were linked to attacks on August 12th and the 27th .

Four security staff were attacked at a road checkpoint in Yamanya Town, Shule County, on August 12th . Only one of the four survived, but suffered injuries [China Daily / BBC]. On the 4th August 16 police died and another 16 were injured after they were attacked by militants armed with grenades [BBC].

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