Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"45 dead" in Spanish plane crash

Up to 45 people have died following a crash landing in Spain. There are however conflicting numbers of those killed. Al Goodman told CNN that at least 40 were dead and the BBC have reported local authorities as saying the toll was as high as 45. However the news organisation Reuters is reporting the number dead as 20. Sky News, quoting emergency services, has said that all but 25 passengers were killed. According to one report from a Spanish journalist one passenger said they saw a fire at the back of the plane prior to the crash. SpanAir Flight 5022 carrying 164 persons on board crashed as it was attempted a take-off on runway 36L. The plane, said to be a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, was bound for Las Palmas in Gran Canaria off the coast of Africa. Olivia Acosa from the Red Cross said at least 19 people had been conveyed to hospital [BBC / CNN / Sky News]

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