Friday, July 11, 2008

UN draft against Zimbabwe fails

A UN draft resolution on Zimbabwe has been vetoed [BBC]. Both China and Russia voted against the resolution brought before the UN by France, Britain and the US. Besides there being 9 votes in favour and 5 against, plus one abstention, the votes by China and Russia doomed the resolution. If any of the 5 permanent security council members veto a draft resolution then the majority vote does not count. South Africa also voted against the proposals but it is unclear who the remaining two were. CNN’s Richard Roth said there had been a feeling at the United Nations building that the UN was on a campaign of Africa-bashing especially as discussions were held over Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir. The Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations told CNN on Friday that the ICC had indicated to Sudanese officials that al-Bashir may be charged over the five-year campaign of violence in the country's Darfur region.

Evidence may be presented Monday of the genocide. Meanwhile, Sudan's U.N. ambassador Mahmoud Mohamad has spoken angrily as speculation swirled about an impending arrest warrant. He said Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo was “playing with fire” by seeking such a warrant.

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