Sunday, June 22, 2008

Zimbabwe - MDC hand Mugabe election 'victory'

Morgan Tsvangirai has pulled out of the Zimbabwe run-off elections due to take place later this week. The MDC leader said there was no point running when elections would not be free and fair and "the outcome is determined by... Mugabe himself". He also called on the global community to step in to prevent "genocide". But the ruling Zanu-PF said Mr Tsvangirai had taken the decision to avoid "humiliation" in the poll. Following the announcement David Miliband, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, told Sky News he would be raising the issue with the United Nations on Monday [BBC / CNN / Al Jazeera].

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23/6/08 13:06

    I am not here to claim the rightfulness of Mugabe and ZANU-PF but I would just like to mae a point. Why is it that the whole western is so " interested" in the well being of zimbabweans ? I think that africans should try to answer that questions to themselves before casting a stone on Mugabe and other in his regim. We have rigged elections all around Afrca but only Zimbabwe seems to get the attention. I have just heard the interview Jonathan Mann of CNN has given the spoksman of Mugabe. What happened attracted my attention. Jon gave a number of the so called MDC members attacked by the Zanu-PF members or the police and the spoksman responded that those numbers are being picked up by the media but with no facts behind them. No hospital nor police records to back the numbers . And then the spokesman to ask Jonathan Man if he (the spokesman) clams on CNN that MDC members have killed some one million ZANU-PF members If he (Jonathan Mann) would go on the air to report the news. Instead of getting the point Jon just started hammering the spokesman asking him if he is claiming that MDC has killed one million Zanu-PF members.
    This shows us the reality or the trou identity of MDC; WESTERN BACKED PARTY.


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