Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shell drivers get inflation busting pay rise

The director of Hoyer, Bernie Holloway, has said he struck a 14% deal over 2 years with tanker drivers [Sky News]. The pay deal ended the threat of further strike action by tanker drivers who deliver fuel for the Shell oil company. The deal came at a time of the worst banking crisis in living memory and as inflation rose towards 4% [BBC]. Speaking a day after consumer inflation jumped to the highest level in 10 years Chancellor Alistair Darling said that there is "no doubt" the UK economy is slowing and has warned it will be a "difficult year" ahead. Rising food and fuel prices were also hitting consumers, he told the BBC. The pay deal offered to the tanker drivers have increased fears that other unions may demand pay increases for their members. The four day strike brought widespread fuel shortages across the country with many motorists ignoring government advice not to panic buy.

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