Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Entwistle guilty of murdering wife & child

Neil Entwistle has been found guilty of murdering his wife and daughter. Speaking after the trial District Attorney Gerry Leone condemned Entwistle for the murder which he described as “unspeakable” and “unforgivable”. He went on to praise the trial team who had brought “a fair and just verdict”. He went on to thank the Massachusetts police for their investigation. Joseph Flaherty the family spokesman also thanked everyone who had helped in the trial. Joseph Manterazzo, Rachel’s step-father, thanked the hundreds of well wishers, both in the UK and in the US for their support.
Michael Fabbri, the chief prosecutor in the case, said he and his team had successfully anticipated the defence case but he said the best evidence against Entwistle was the suspect himself.

Entwistle had fled to England after killing his 27 year old wife Rachel and 9 month old daughter Lillian but was subsequently extradited to the US to face trial. In the trial the jury heard how a .22-caliber gun was used to shoot the victims before he left the scene and fled to London. But shortly after his arrival in the UK he was arrested and returned to the US. He now faces a life sentence in a high security prison [Sky News / BBC / CNN / Fox News / Wikipedia] .

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