Monday, June 09, 2008

Japan reels after knife man kills 7

Tomohiro Kato is arrested by police

Japan is reeling over an attack by a man who was “fed up with life” and left 7 dead. Twenty-five year-old Tomohiro Kato drove into a crowd of people at a busy intersection before leaping from the hired truck and stabbing a number of others. Aside of the seven dead at least ten others were injured in the attack which came on the anniversary of a similar incident in an Osaka school in 2001. Japan is often considered to be one of the safest countries in the world when it comes to violent crime, but over the past few years there have been several instances where individuals have ‘snapped’ and targeted innocent members of the public. In January this year, a 16 year old school boy armed with two kitchen knives injured several people on a crowded shopping street in Tokyo's Shinagawa district. The latest attack has prompted calls for tighter legislation on the sales and possession of knives. At a news conference on Monday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said the government was considering tightening restrictions on large-bladed knifes in response to the attack. "We need to think of the possibility of discussing tightening the control of guns and knives," he told reporters. Sunday’s attack occurred in Tokyo's Akihabara shopping district which is popular with tourists. It is known for its shops specializing in comics and electronic products [BBC / CNN / Japan Today].

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