Saturday, May 31, 2008

Successful launch for shuttle Discovery

It was a successful lift-off for space shuttle Discovery which launched from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center at 21:02 GMT [17:02 local time] . Discovery is set to join up with the International Space Station on Monday. Its arrival will be great relief to the crew on board the ISS as it delivers spare parts for the toilet on board the space station which broke down earlier this week. Sky News, the BBC and CNN all covered the launch Live. Sky cut away after 7 minutes coverage while the BBC gave over 11 minutes to the launch. CNN International gave nearly fifteen minutes airtime to the launch. There were some signs that foam broke away during the launch. Debris was seen to fall away at 3 minutes and 30 seconds into the flight. The shuttle broke away from the main fuel tank and entered its preliminary orbit at 21:11 GMT, 9 minutes into the launch.

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