Thursday, May 08, 2008

Olympic torch reaches top of the world

Cering Wangmo, a 22 year old Tibetan, holds the torch at the summit

The Olympic flame has completed its journey to the top of mount Everest in an epic journey of just of 6 hours. Cloud covered the final ascent but it failed to dampen the spirits of the mountaineers who had climbed the world's tallest mountain. Covered Live on CCTV-9, only short clips were shown on the BBC and CNN during its journey. It arrived at the summit at 01:20 GMT carried by a 22 year old Tibetan woman, one of several specially picked for the journey. Two groups climbed to the summit: a 12-person team of torchbearers and a supplemental seven-person pickup team. The team of about 50 included 31 climbers, 21 of which were Tibetan and 9 were Han Chinese. Others involved in the climb were coaches, advisers and other support staff members.

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