Friday, May 23, 2008

Man guilty in shopping centre bomb plot

Bluewater shopping centre in Kent, south-east England

A man has pleaded guilty to threatening to blow up the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. Saeed Ghafoor said he was going to pack three limousines with gas canister explosives to bomb Europe's largest shopping complex. The Old Bailey heard that when questioned, Ghafoor said Bluewater was in Exeter. When told it was near the Dartford tunnel in Kent, the 33-year-old said he had not "finalised" his plans. Ghafoor made his threat to prison officers at Haverigg jail in Cumbria where he was serving a sentence for threatening to kill his sister and assault. Bluewater was the target for a gang of terrorists led by Omar Khyam who were jailed for a fertiliser bomb plot last year. Ghafoor will be sentenced in June [Sky News / BBC].

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