Tuesday, May 13, 2008

India - At least 50 dead in terror blasts

A series of explosions have killed at least 50 and injured over 150 in Jaipur, north-west India. The BBC has reported the death toll as 25 but the figures have increased over the last two hours. The blasts hit near historic monuments in a crowded town centre popular with tourists. No-one has claimed responsibity for at least five bombs, which were placed in cars and shops, but local place say it was likely to be a terrorist attack. At least five blasts were heard in Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan state, early on Tuesday evening, each a few minutes apart. The series of explosions started at around 19:15 local time [13:45 GMT] according to the BBC and 19:30 [14:15 GMT] according to CNN.

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