Tuesday, April 29, 2008

US suffers from tornadoes and wildfires

At least 200 were injured after tornadoes swept through Virginia, USA. Virginians faced a massive cleanup project Tuesday after at least three tornadoes damaged dozens of homes. On Tuesday morning officials said that a search of the wreckage had found no fatalities. "We have had some injuries. Most of them are minor, so in many ways we are blessed," Suffolk Mayor Linda Johnson said.
Pictures on CNN showed massive damage to a wide area with houses turned to match wood. A state of emergency was declared following the storms which struck at 16:00 local time [CNN].

Meanwhile the West of the US was continuing to suffer from deadly wildfires. The fires which have burned for a third day have destroyed large areas of grassland in California. Hundreds of people had been evacuated at the height of the wildfires, but many were beginning to return to their homes as the threat subsided on Tuesday. There have been no deaths reported but at least three firefighters have been injured as they tried to contain the flames [CNN].

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