Abu Izzadeen, sometimes known as Omar Brooks, has been found guilty of terrorism fundraising & inciting acts of terrorism. A total of eight individual were on trial at Kingston Crown court for various terror related offences. Some charges related to speeches made at the Regent’s Park mosque in London [BBC]. During one speech Izadeen was heard to say, “the US and British only understand one thing; the language of blood”. Five others were found guilty at the London court, but one man has absconded. Shah Jalal Hussain, 25, from Whitechapel, east London, is currently on the run. He is said to have attended most of the trial but failed to attend in recent days. Two other individuals were released by the court after the jury were unable to come to a verdict. They are Ibrahim Abdullah Hussan, 25, from Leyton, east London, and Rajib Kahn, 29, from Luton in Bedfordshire. Izzadeen, Simon Keeler, 36, from Whitechapel, Omar Zaheer, 28, of Southall, west London, Abdul Saleem, 32, of Poplar, east London, and Jalal Hussain will be sentenced later [BBC / Sky News].
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