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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
CNN 'apologises' as torch arrives in Pakistan
CNN have apologized over comments made by Jack Cafferty on the 9th April. Cafferty had criticized China during the Olympic torch relay in San Francisco saying “I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years” [You Tube] Cafferty is a regular contributor to the Situation Room and known for he forthright views. But speaking on the programme on the 14th April he told the host Wolf Blitzer he meant no offence to the Chinese people. “Last week, during a discussion of the controversy surrounding China's hosting of the Olympic Games, I said that the Chinese are basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they have been for the last 50 years. I was referring to the Chinese government, and not to Chinese people or to Chinese-Americans,” Cafferty said. CNN also released a statement which read, “It was not Mr. Cafferty’s nor CNN’s intent to cause offence to the Chinese people, and we would apologise to anyone who has interpreted the comments in this way. Cafferty was offering his “strongly held” opinion of the Chinese Government, not China’s people” [Times / CNN].
While netizens continue to debate Western media in China, the Olympic torch was making ready for its 11th relay in its global journey. Touching down in Pakistan on Tuesday the torch was expected to make its way through Islamabad on Wednesday [BBC]. The procession will be carefully controlled with only an invited audience able to watch the proceedings. Plans to hold a public relay were abandoned for security reasons. CNN have shown a few seconds of Live coverage from Pakistan but as yet only Sky’s interactive service is relaying Live pictures from the Pakistani capital.
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