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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Chinese protest as Thai relay starts
Chinese protesters in London on Saturday
Hundreds of Chinese protested today opposite the UK parliament to air their anger over what they see as bias in the Western media. The Protesters, many wearing masks emblazoned with the BBC, stood in quiet vigil. Only after two hours protest did they break their silence and launch into the Chinese national anthem. The protests were timed with several others in Manchester, Paris and Berlin as the Olympic torch set on its latest relay in Thailand. The BBC reported the protests but no British newspapers covered the story on Sunday. Thousands of people watched the relay in Bangkok which was held amid high security [BBC]. But events in Thailand were almost entirely absent from news bulletins and non existent in Sundays papers.
Meanwhile there have been further protests in China against French supermarket chain Carrefour though few Western papers have picked up on the building protests in China [BBC]. A planned on CNN's website was, however, 'canceled' because "too many people were aware of it". These were the words from so-called cyber-attackers who have declared a tech-war against the American broadcaster [PC World]. According to The Dark Visitor, the hackers were due to launch their cyber-warfare at a later, as yet unspecified, date. The Dark Visitor is a blog run by ex-United States Army officer Scott J. Henderson that focuses on the activities of Chinese hackers. The blog was one of the first Western world websites to break the news about the April 2008 organized DDOS attack by mainland Chinese hackers on [updated 20/04/2008]
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