Thursday, March 06, 2008

Gunman kills 8 in Jerusalem

A gunman armed with a Kalashnikov rifle has shot and killed at least 8 people at a school in Jerusalem. The terrorist entered a religious school and opened fire. Around 35 others have been injured in the incident and have been conveyed to hospital. There was celebratory gunfire in Gaza following the attack, but there has been no claim of responsibility. Some reports suggest that one gunman may still be at large. Police say they shot one gunman who was wearing explosives but they failed to detonated. The attack occurred at 19:30 local time, but two hours after the attack there is still a highly tense situation in the heart of Israel. A Hamas spokesman called the attack "heroic" and said "it would not be the last". Fawzi Barhoum described the attack as a "normal reaction" to recent attacks on Gaza by Israeli forces. [Sky News / BBC / CNN / Al Jazeera]

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