Monday, February 11, 2008

Six 9/11 plotters charged

Six men detained at Guantanamo Bay have been charged in connection with the 9/11 terror plot. Around 275 people remain at the detention centre, sometimes known as Gitmo or Camp X-Ray, and the US hope to prosecute at least 80 of the inmates. The men have been named as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohammed al-Qahtani, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali [Ammar al-Baluchi], Mustafa al-Hawsawi and Walid Muhammad Salih Bin Attash. [Terror suspects]

Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann, speaking at the Pentagon, told the assembled media the trial would not be secret and the proceedings would be open as possible. However he said the trial would not be televised. Some were nonetheless critical of the way the trial was likely to be conducted. Lawyer Zachary Katznelson, who represents other inmates at Guantanamo Bay, told Sky News that evidence gained from ‘torture techniques’ would place a shadow over the fairness of any trial [CNN / BBC / Sky News].

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