Monday, November 19, 2007

Bangladesh - Over 3000 dead after cyclone

Four days after Cyclone Sidr swept through Bangladesh the death toll is set to rise into thousands. Sky News last night reported the numbers may increase to 15,000 while CNN today reported 3,000 dead with a likely increase as rescue teams scour the affected areas. The cyclone sent a massive storm surge across the coastal regions of the country leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. At least 280,000 people have been made homeless by the cyclone.

Europe has also suffered extreme flooding with Turkey and Greece being mostly affected. So far 2 people have been reported killed in Greece from the storms [CNN].

Turkey has been hit by torrential rain and flooding for the last two weeks. At the beginning of the month at least 32 died in the south-east of the country [BBC], but the bad weather has continued increasing the death toll further.

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